Tuesday, May 03, 2005


BREAKING NEWS: David Hasselhoff has been named "International Star of the Year" in India. No Joke. Guess it just took a while for them to see how cool Knight Rider really is.

Even more amusing, awards were handed out at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, NJ.

Fulfill your craving: http://www.davidhasselhoffonline.com/


amy said...

but what did he do this year? Better yet, what has he done post 2000 that is noteworthy?

There have to be better international stars out there...please?

"Some people need to help somebody...Forever and always, I'm always here" <--Hasselhoff question of the day...What is that from?

amy said...

I just saw your time stamp on that post...what in the world were you doing up at 4:07 am? And on a David Hasselhoff site for that matter?

Brian said...

thats weird...it was actually 7:07. thats what it shows me. my neighborhood has all these underground hasselhoff fans that have been leaving pamphlets in all of our doors and on our cars trying to get us to support his shows and sign petitions for more re-runs, etc. Its an epidemic...

I'm clueless on that question....

amy said...

HAHAHAHA....that is HILARIOUS! a tad bit disturbing...but hilarious.

You don't know what that quote is from? haha...I give you a hint...it's a song.

(I think my cube neighbor is looking at me weird. I'm just sitting here at my computer laughing...)

amy said...

BTW...have you seen the posts from the athiest on my site? I think he/she's posted somewhere on my last few posts, and then also in my guest book.

the person's site is filled with questions of a seeker...it's interesting.