Monday, May 23, 2005

state update

In May: VA, MS, AL, NC, WV, CA, NV, DC and of course MD. I'll be honest, it feels weird to be home. SoCal stories on the way....


amy said...

hey kid...U missed an awsome service project yesterday. God really showed up for us! Hope ur doing okay...long time no see. Guess it's cuz ur busy traveling and stuff. Poland in 5 days (Just think next month you can add international spots to your insane list of places traveled)

Brian said...

yeah, hopper was supposed to let me know where to meet up with you guys, but he never did. I called a few people around 4pm, but nobody picked up. Taegan told me later she didnt have her phone with her...I'm pretty stoked, but I have lots to finish up at work first.