a pilot once told me that his job was best described as "hours of boredom followed by moments of stark terror".
Did you know that when they used to send up those U-2 planes the guys would be up there in them for like 8-12 hours at a time? Thats literally sitting in the same spot the whole time. the logistics of that can be troubling, but engineers always have a solution....
another fun fact, the U-2 aircraft doesn't have any landing gear in its wings, they're along the fuselage. It's got two wheels kind of like a bicycle. When it lands the plane actually comes to rest with one of the wings touching the ground (they're reinforced with titanium skids). Then they manually install "pogos" under each wing that have wheels to support the wings.
I would have to use may piddle packs for 8-12 hours... another fun fact... the B2 bomber takes off from middle america, flys all the way to who needs to get beat down, bombs, then flys back, landing and home in time for dinner.. well maybe breakfast.
where is middle america?
Start driving, in 20 hours or so you'll be there.
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